





思腾中国简介Company profile Schouten China  思腾中国是由荷兰的教育培训及咨询集团――思腾教育集团――在华设立的全资教育培训及咨询机构。思腾教育集团拥有近30年成功经营的历史,旗下拥有十多个知名培训品牌,并拥有一家出版社和一所可提供硕士学位教育的大学。集团在欧洲的年营业额约为8亿元人民币。思腾教育集团旨在帮助组织通过不断激励员工和提高员工效能,以取得组织自身的成功。在过去的近三十年里,无数的跨国企业、政府部门和非盈利机构接受了思腾教育集团提供的面向组织及个人的教育、培训、辅导以及咨询。目前,思腾教育集团在荷兰拥有600多名全职员工,每年能够在全球面向个人和组织提供超过450种完全自主开发的专业培训课程,每年能够出版大约50本自有版权的专业图书。 除拥有自己的课程外,我们还拥有自己独特的培训方法。 Schouten China, a wholly foreign owned company specialized in Education and Training is inviting applications for the posts based in Beijing.  Schouten China is an initiative of Schouten & Nelissen Group, a leading training and consulting company in personal and organizational development in Europe and the largest of its kind in the Netherlands. Schouten & Nelissen Group plays a dominant role in the Education and Training market in the Netherlands and its annual revenue is around RMB 80 million. It offers more than 450 programs not only to individuals, but to governmental agencies, companies and other types of organizations. Schouten China’s ardent mission is to help organizations succeed in their businesses as well as to enable individuals to achieve happy, productive working lives. In China, Beijing will be the focus of our attention to begin with, but our goal is to service the whole of China in due course.  We are offering our services to the entire work force, from newly hired to top management. Furthermore, we provide courses for people who would like to prepare themselves for their first job. 我们专注于用我们所提供的专业培训及咨询服务,协助不同组织的管理团队在全球市场上实现其既定目标。我们的核心能力体现在我们能够为组织实施变革提供一系列的管理工具和服务。我们可以帮助你的组织确定合适的解决方案,并通过系统化的培训、咨询、调研、支持和辅导等服务帮助你的组织实施变革。 我们的服务1.    为机构客户的组织发展和变革提供支持,以帮助他们::       a)    发掘组织中隐藏的创新能力;       b)    提升有效领导力;       c)    提升管理水平;       d)    在价值体系中更为有效;       e)    提供教育和培训课程;2.    为管理人员提供教育和培训:3.    为培训师提供有关沟通技能培训、辅导及帮助学员实现习惯改变的方法;4.    为不同层次的在职人员提供有关项目管理、质量管理、过程、服务管理及人力资源管理等领导的培训;5.    为个人提供有关个人技能方面的培训,如压力管理、自我管理等;6.    为机构和个人提供各类软技能及领导力培训,如沟通、演讲、果断力、领导力等;7.    为大学毕业生提供业相关培训;8.    为个人提供管理教练服务;9.    为机构提供团队建设培训. Our services:1.     For organizations: Organizational development and facilitation programs to change    “organizational habits” and to work towards:       a)    the development of the hidden innovative powers in the organizations;       b)    effective leadership;       c)    management development;       d)    more functional organizational value systems;       e)    corporate training and educational programs;2.     Training and education for leaders and managers:3.     Training courses for trainers in communication skills, facilitators and specialists on enduring changes of habit in leaders and employees;4.     Specialist courses on project management, process and quality management, service management, HR management etc. ranging from job starters to top management;5.     Training in functional personal skills such as stress management, accretive training and self-management;6.     Training in communication skills;7.     Programs for undergraduates to prepare themselves for the job market;8.     Personal coaching in all areas;9.     Team building.  Our method is more than instruction alone. We consider teaching as a necessary but insufficient ingredient for desired habit changes. Therefore, we also use experiential learning methods. 对申请者的基本要求General requirements for applicants As we wish to ensure that our internal organizational culture is in line with the aims of the services we intend to provide to individuals and organizations, we are looking for people with the following general profiles: ·         主动性强,能够在与团队成员合作的基础上,开展工作Self-starters, trusted team members, highly motivated, visionary spirits.·         较好的跨文化沟通能力,写作能力,演讲能力和谈判能力Good multicultural communication skills, writing skills, strong presentation skills, relationship-building and negotiation skills·         有志于与思腾中国共同成长,通过为中国及国际机构提供培训及咨询服务提升自己Personal commitment to the need for our facilitation services to improve the well being of Chinese and International companies·         认可思腾中国的理念,并愿意为思腾中国的成长贡献自己的力量Willing to commit to the vision of Schouten China as it strives to become a flourishing education and training company.·         不过于频繁地更换工作No job hoppers.·         具备用英语沟通的能力English is a pre-requisite.





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