





人类对于美的追求从未止步,女人们更是对美执着到了痴迷的程度,她们总是能不断发掘美的新维度。琳琅满目的服装饰物,千娇百媚的妆容早已满足不了女人们那颗对美狂热执着的心。在女性追求美的的漫漫长河里,沉淀出一块闪耀的宝石——INCOCO。它让女性发现不经意间,连毫厘之地的指甲,都能创造令人诧异且惊叹不已的绝伦之美。 指甲是手部精彩的部分,性感鲜艳的红色修长指甲,容易让男性浮想翩翩;整齐美观的指甲,立即给人于信赖之感。纤纤十指,对于当代女性的重要性已经不亚于脸蛋。你能想象美甲这么时髦的概念竟有上千年的历史吗?其实,指甲与手的保养、装饰,自古以来是社会地位的象征。不管在任何年代里,拥有一手修长、华丽的指甲通常是非富即贵、生活有一定品质的象征。 1984年,Mr.Fa Park先生从韩国来到美国追求事业的梦想,一次在纽约街头的公共汽车上,看到了一位女士在出租车上涂指甲油的窘态(每一个红绿灯之间开始抛磨指甲,并举晃双手晾干),Park先生想知道为什么世界各地的女性都要单一的使用刷子涂抹指甲油,这便激发了他要发明一款具有粘性的,无需等待晾干的甲油膜的想法。1988年,这个终将改变人类美甲历史发展进程的产品正式开始研发,历经20多年的潜心研究与创新发展,Park先生终于创立了INCOCO——一家位于美国新泽西克利夫顿的世界上个纯甲油膜制造商! 作为全球一款颠覆性的、拥有32项国际专利技术的纯甲油膜,在推向市场的短短几年间迅速风靡美、法、英、日、韩等全球20多个国家和地区,并成功跻身于世界各大秀场,成为众多全球明星大腕的宠儿。已经成为名副其实的世界美甲趋势者!2015年INCOCO正式登陆中国!    Human’s pursuit of beauty never stops, especially female’s pursuit of beauty which has come to the degree of obsession. They constantly explore new possibilities to achieve beauty. Wide varieties of clothing accessories, beautiful and charming makeup already can't satisfy women’s eagerness for beauty any more. In the long river of women's pursuit of beauty, there is a piece of the most dazzling gem - INCOCO, which makes women crazy, especially for their nails. INCOCO can create amazing and unsurpassed beauty.                        Nails are the best part of the hand. Sexy and bright-colored red long nails are easy to make men fall into a reverie; tidy and beautiful nails can immediately give people the feeling of trust; fine and slim fingers are as important as the face for modern women. Can you imagine that the concept of nail- caring has a history of thousands of years? In fact, protection and decoration of nails and hands has been the symbol of social status since the ancient times. No matter in what age, owning slender and luxuriant nails is often a symbol of wealth, rank and quality life.In 1984, Fa Park came to the United States from Korea to pursue his dream career, while on a bus in New York City he noticed the struggle of a woman in a cab trying to paint her nails. As he saw her quickly brushing polish on her nails at every stoplight and trying to blow her nails dry, he wondered why women all over the world had to use a brush to apply nail polish. This sparked his idea to invent self-stick nail polish strips that didn't require any dry time or hassle of application. The research of the product which will change the historical development process of nail care starts in 1988, after more than 20 years of painstaking research and innovation development, Mr. Park, finally established INCOCO -located in Clifton, New Jersey-the first cosmetics company to manufacture and produce nail polish strips.                     As the world's only revolutionary polish strips, Incoco has 32 international patent technologies. It becomes quickly popular in the United States, France, Britain, Japan, Korea and more than 20 countries and regions in just a few years , getting into each big top shows in the world and becoming the darling of numerous global stars. Incoco has become a veritable world nail trend setter!2015, INCOCO's official arrival in China!





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