





常州光洋轴承有限公司坐落于中国美丽的江南水乡-常州.她创建于1987年,专业生产各种滚针轴承、圆柱滚子轴承、离合器分离轴承、四点接触球轴承等各类精密专用轴承。公司占地面积12万余平方米,建筑面积6万平方米,总资产1.8亿元。现拥有650余名高素质的员工,公司轴承年生产能力3000万套,滚动体5亿支,其中向心滚针和保持架组件的产量在国内位居前列。.从80年代开始,我们的轴承已经为减轻汽车零件的重量和减少汽车零件的空间作出了贡献。今天,本公司以其超过轴承领域新的创造性的解决方法站在国内汽车零部件工业的前列。公司现拥有各类加工设备650余台及各类的检测仪器近200台(套),形成了产品系列化、生产批量化的生产模式。公司采用新的cad、cam、capp技术进行研究和开发制造产品。多条全自动生产线的投入使用,使公司的生产能力大大提高,产品达到了替代同类进口产品的质量水平。.本公司产品全部经洛阳国家轴承质量监督和一汽汽研所、东风汽车工程研究院技术、上汽齿技术鉴定,质量分别达到iso3030、jisb1536、din5405/1和ansib3.18标准,并常年接受国家、省级和市级质量监督机构的检测,产品质量稳定可靠。.公司产品从设计到生产、销售都在完善的iso9001, qs9000,vda 6.1,iso/ts16949:2002 质量保证体系下有效通行,产品质量得到了严格的控制。公司的质量目标是追求,达到产品“零缺陷”。这一点已经从中国汽车制造商的赞誉声中得到了证明。.changzhou guangyang bearing co., ltd. is located in changzhou city, jiangsu province, and situated between shanghai and nanjing. founded in 1987, it specializes in various special and precision bearings such as needle roller bearings, cylindrical roller bearings, clutch bearings, four-point contact ball bearings etc. the factory occupies 120,000 square meters of land and has a floor space of 60,000 square meters. it has total assets of 180 million (rmb) yuan, and has a work force of 650 dedicated employees. the factory has an annual productivity of 30 million bearings and 500 million rolling elements. its production of (radial) needle roller and cage component is one of the largest in china..from the ear1y 80s,we have made contributions towards reducing the weights and volumes of automotive components. today, by innovation beyond conventional bearing manufacturing, we are in the forefront of china's automotive components industry. the company now has about 650 units of production machines and over 200 units of advanced measuring and testing equipments, forming a highly effective and efficient production environment. the company embraces the latest cad, cam, and capp technology in both r&d; and production. many automated production lines have been commissioned, enabling the company to improve its quality to equal to imported bearings and also to greatly increase its production capacity. all our products are monitored by the state bearing supervision center based in luoyang, first automobile works automobile research institute, technology center of dongfeng engineering research institute and the technology center of shanghai automobile gear factory, and the quality of our products achieve iso3030, jisb1536, din5405/1,ansib3.18 standard. we are also subjected to constant inspections from quality supervision organizations from the state, provincial and local levels, which ensure products stability and reliability..our plant is registered to the international quality system standard - iso9001, qs9000, vda 6.1 and iso/ts16949:2002 . we strongly adhere the standard in design, manufacturing, gauging and sales , products quality is thus assured. our aim in product quality is to achieve excellence and zero product defects. this is proven by the many favorable comments and recognitions we received from our customers.





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