






Breakingpoint is an industry which is an expert leading cloud computing solutions, we provide a variety of software services, including mobile solutions, allowing customers to enjoy the advantages of cloud applications. We are the Platinum partner in mainland China and focus on providing integrated services for the Salesforce CRM system and the Force cloud platform.We are also a great partner for SAP; We offer a wide range of services to help our customers realize the benefits of a solution based on cloud. Our solution will make the appropriate changes according to your needs, and focus on streaming and integration of your CRM system. Breakingpoint Consulting ensures you achieve your goals with experience and expertise while maximizing your return on investment (ROI).  We are pleased to provide innovative and high growth companies from all fields with professional consultation and solutions on CRM by converting strategy into action and delivering operational improvements. And therefore, helping them to increase the working efficiency and reduce the prime cost so as to achieve the customs' satisfactions as well as enhance their overall competitive capabilities. Holding on the service concept of high quality and high efficient, our company provided more clients with our services, and won a widespread recognition and praise. Currently, our customers are mainly form American and Europe as well as some of the Fortune 500 companies who involved in various fields such as finance, energy, education, business services and lift science etc. Since the establishment, within a short span of three years, the volume of our business has grown dramatically, and the momentum of our development is really positive.  Breakingpoint Consulting advocates the spirit of enterprise of "broadminded, brave, reliable, innovative, and collaborative". Furthermore, we have a good internal system and this incentive system as well as the excellent working environment attracted a large group of young talents who are really doers with rich knowledge and plenty of new ideas. Their high quality, high level of the skills and high efficiency also guarantee our company the position of a pioneer and a leader in such a furious market.  Owning a vision to become the leader in China market for cloud computing solution delivery and the attitude to always have the courage to make innovation, we pay more attention to the domestic and international market; put more efforts on developing new projects and provide better services for our customers. 睿远软件是一家业内的云计算方案,我们提供包括移动解决方案在内的各种软件服务,让客户尽享云应用的各种优势。我们是Salesforce在中国大陆的白金合作伙伴,专注于为Salesforce CRM系统以及Force云平台提供综合服务。我们同时也是SAP的合作伙伴,提供广泛并专业的服务来帮助我们的客户实现基于SAP的解决方案。我们提供广泛的服务来帮助我们客户实现基于解决方案的部署云的各种好处。我们的方案是根据你们的需求做相应的改变,并且专注于分流和集成你的CRM系统。Breakingpoint Consulting带着经验和专业知识确保实现你的目标,同时保证你获得大化的率。Breakingpoint Consulting专注于向高成长型、富于创新精神的各行业客户提供客户关系管理(On-demand CRM)的专业可信的咨询及解决方案,以帮助客户提高运营效率、降低成本、提高客户满意度、提升综合竞争力。公司秉持着高质量、率的服务理念,为越来越多的客户提供服务,并且赢得了普遍认可与好评。目前,Breakingpoint Consulting的客户主要为欧美企业和世界500强企业,涉及金融、能源、教育、商业服务、生命科学等各大领域。从创立今,在五年的时间内,Breakingpoint Consulting的业务量增长迅速,发展势头迅猛。Breakingpoint Consulting倡导“旷达、勇敢、诚信、创新、合作”的企业精神,具有良好的内部机制。优良的工作环境以及良好的激励机制,吸引了一批年轻的、有学识的、具有实干精神、勇于提出新想法的人才。高素质、高水平、率的人才也是Breakingpoint Consulting在当今激烈的市场中立于不败之地的保障。以成为该领域在中国市场内的先锋为公司愿景,本着勇于突破创新的态度,Breakingpoint Consulting放眼于更加广阔的国内外市场,投入更多的精力于研发新的服务项目,为更多的客户提供更多更好的服务。





经营范围 :

软件、电子、计算机科技领域内技术咨询、技术服务、技术开发、技术转让,商务信息咨询,文化艺术交流活动策划,会务服务,市场营销策划,计算机系统服务(除互联网上网服务营业场所),电子产品、机械设备(除特种)安装、维修,计算机软硬件及配件(除计算机信息系统安全专用产品)、通讯器材批发零售。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】

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